‘El Eco del Dolor de Mucha Gente (The Echo of Pain of the Many)’

“For over 30 years, members of the Cuevas family have been campaigning for justice for our son and brother Carlos, disappeared in 1984, and our sister-in-law Rosario Godoy de Cuevas and their family, abducted and murdered at the hands of the Guatemalan military.” Ana Lucía Cuevas returned to Guatemala after learning in 2008 that a Secret Police Archive was found by accident in Guatemala City, and with new clues that could shed light on what happened to her brother. The result was the film, ‘El Eco del Dolor de Mucha Gente (The Echo of Pain of the Many)’.

This documentary reveals the many other stories of pain that still resonate very vividly in Guatemala.

The makers of the film, Ana Lucía Cuevas and Fred Coker, have put together a fabulous resource website which provides lots of information about the making of the film and the people involved. It also includes links to the film itself, both in English and in Spanish. You can access the website here.

I’ll let Lucía speak:
“The film is my personal, intimate record of my return from exile into the still dangerous and volatile political environment of contemporary Guatemala, where over the course of four years, I discover, through the archived records of the perpetrators of the crimes themselves, the involvement of my own government and foreign Intelligence Services in the abduction, torture and murders of my brother and his young family.
As writer and director, the film reflects my determination, as a survivor and member of the political opposition to dictatorship, to depict the personal and national trauma of disappearance and genocide perpetrated against us as civilians, and to tell our own story.”

You can read our review of the film here.

Thanks to CAWN for this.

Categories: Human Rights, Solidarity in Action, Video, Violence

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